Rywalizacja strategiczna USA-Chiny: U.S.-China Strategic Competition in South and East China Seas: Background and Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service, September 8, 2021
Rywalizacja wielkomocarstwowa – implikacje dla obronności: Renewed Great Power Competition: Implications for Defense—Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service,September 9, 2021
Zapobieganie eskalacji konfliktu w krajach bałtyckich: ULRICH KÜHN, Preventing Escalation in the Baltics: A NATO Playbook, CEIP, 2018
Cyfrowa armia: A Digital Army: Synergies on the Battlefield and the Development of CyberElectromagnetic Activities (CEMA), Stefan Soesanto, CSS, Zürich, August 2021
Rola amerykańskiego Kongresu w odnowieniu NATO: Usha Sahay, Revitalizing NATO. A Role for the U.S. Congress, Belfer Center for Science and International A!airs, September 2021
Prognoza strategiczna UE: 2021 Strategic Foresight Report. The EU’s capacity and freedom to act, UE 2021
Autonomia strategiczna UE: Shaping and securing the EU’s Open Strategic Autonomy by 2040 and beyond, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021
Nowa broń i konwencjonalna faza konfliktu zbrojnego: D. Massicot, Lengthening the bridge: the role of current weapons and emerging technologies in expanding the pre-nuclear phase of conflict, NDC, 29.07.2021
Przyszłość systemu międzynarodowego: The Future of the International System. Messy Multilateralism, Networked Technology, and Pioneering Innovation, CSIS, August 26, 2021
Wnioski z wojny afgańskiej: A. H. Cordesman, Learning the Right Lessons from the Afghan War, CSIS, September 7, 2021
Ewolucja strategii USA w XXI wieku: The Unipole in Twilight American Strategy from 9/11 to the Present, JUSTIN LOGAN, The Independent Review, v. 26, n. 2, Fall 2021, ISSN 1086–1653, Copyright © 2021, pp. 173–188
Rosyjska wielka strategia: Charap, Samuel, Dara Massicot, Miranda Priebe, Alyssa Demus, Clint Reach, Mark Stalczynski, Eugeniu Han, and Lynn E. Davis, Russian Grand Strategy: Rhetoric and Reality. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2021.
Przyszłość transatlantyckiego odstraszania nuklearnego: POLICY REVIEW ROUNDTABLE: The Future of Trans-Atlantic Nuclear Deterrence, TNSR, Aug. 23, 2021
Przyszłość relacji UE-USA: EU-US Future Forum 2021: A path forward for transatlantic relations, Atlantic Council, AUGUST 2021
Przyczyny szybkiego upadku armii afgańskiej: A. H. Cordesman, The Reasons for the Collapse of Afghan Forces, CSIS, August 16, 2021
Znaczenie Iraku dla bezpieczeństwa na Bliskim Wschodzie: Iraq, the United States, and the “New” Middle East, A. H. Cordesmam, CSIS, August 5, 2021
Łatwiej wojnę rozpocząć, niż ją zakończyć: Easier to Get into War Than to Get Out. The Case of Afghanistan, Nazanin Azizian, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, July 2021
Sieć bojowa i przyszłość sił zbrojnych: Battle Networks and the Future Force. Part 1: A Framework for Debate, By Todd Harrison, CSIS, August 2021
Rosyjskie odstraszanie nienuklearne: Valeriy Akimenko, Russia and strategic non-nuclear deterrence. Capabilities, limitations and challenges, CHATHAM HOUSE BRIEFING, 29 JULY 2021
O przegraniu Afganistanu: kto i dlaczego?: Learning from the War: “Who Lost Afghanistan?” versus Learning “Why We Lost”, Anthony H. Cordesman, CSIS, Major Revision to Working Draft: July 29, 2021
Relacje amerykańsko-tureckie: Redefining the U.S.-Turkey Relationship Sinan Ülgen, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, JULY 2021
Przyszłość Afganistanu po wycofaniu USA i NATO: Afghanistan after the U.S. Withdrawal: Trends and Scenarios for the Future, Antonio Giustozzi, asia policy, volume 16, number 3 (july 2021), 57–74
Europejska suwerenność: Daniel Fiott, EUROPEAN SOVEREIGNTY. Strategy and interdependence, EUISS, 23 July 2021