O potrzebie politycznego rozwiązania konfliktu rosyjsko-ukraińskiego o Donbas i Krym: A. Lieven, Ending the Threat of War in Ukraine: A Negotiated Solution to the Donbas Conflict and the Crimean Dispute, QUINCY PAPER NO. 6, JUNE 14, 2021
Odstraszanie Chin: To deter the PRC … By Kyle Marcrum and Brendan Mulvaney, Strategic Insights, ASPI,24 June 2021
Cyber-ryzyka dla broni nuklearnej: Cyber Risk Across the U.S. Nuclear Enterprise, Herbert Lin, TNSR, Summer 2021
Rocznik SIPRI 2021 (streszczenie): Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, SIPRI YEARBOOK 2021, Summary
Rosyjskie interesy i działania globalne: McClintock, Bruce, Jeffrey W. Hornung, and Katherine Costello, Russia’s Global Interests and Actions: Growing Reach to Match Rejuvenated Capabilities. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2021.
Przyszłość zapobiegania konfliktom: THE FUTURE OF CONFLICT PREVENTION. Preparing for a hotter, increasingly digital and fragmented 2030, By Katariina Mustasilta, EU ISS,18 June 2021
Nowe wyzwania dla negocjacji nuklearnych: Reading the Nuclear Tea Leaves: Policy and Posture in the Biden Administration, Rebecca K.C. Hersman and Joseph Rodgers, CSIS, June 2021
Broń podwójnego przeznaczenia a stabilność strategiczna: Are Dual-Capable Weapon Systems Destabilizing? Questioning Nuclear-Conventional Entanglement and Inadvertent Escalation, Atlantic Council, June 2021
Wnioski z konfliktów lokalnych: Beware the Hype. What Military Conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, and Nagorno-Karabakh (Don’t) Tell Us About the Future of War, Defense AI Observatory, 2021
Komunikat ze szczytu NATO 14.06.2021: Brussels Summit Communiqué Issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels 14 June 2021
Broń nuklearna w świecie: World nuclear forces [in SIPRI YEARBOOK 2021. Armaments, Disarmament and International Security]
Rocznik SIPRI 2021. Streszczenie: SIPRI YEARBOOK 2021. Armaments, Disarmament and International Security. Summary
Chińska strategia i siły zbrojne: Chinese Strategy and Military Forces in 2021, Working draft, Anthony H. Cordesman, Burke Chair in Strategy, CSIS, June 7, 2021
Rosyjsko-amerykańskie różnice i podobieństwa w podejściu do cyberbezpieczeństwa: US-Russian Contention in Cyberspace: Are Rules of the Road Necessary or Possible? Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, June 10, 2021
Wyzwania wobec nowej amerykańskiej strategii obrony: Franklin D. Kramer and Lt. Col. Matthew R. Crouch, TRANSFORMATIVE PRIORITIES FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, Atlantic Council, June 2021
Wymagania wobec strategii NATO na czasy nowej zimnej wojny z Rosją i Chinami: Kathleen J. McInnis and Clementine G. Starling, The Case for a Comprehensive Approach 2.0: How NATO Can Combat Chinese and Russian Political Warfare, Atlantic Council, June 2021
Raport Grupy Refleksyjnej NATO: NATO 2030: United for a New Era. Analysis and Recommendations of the Reflection Group Appointed by the NATO Secretary General, 25 November 2020
Rywalizacja i kooperacja w stosunkach międzynarodowych: Between States of Matter – Competition and Cooperation, Munich Security Report 2021, June 2021.
Chińskie podejście do rywalizacji z USA w wymiarze międzynarodowym i obronnym: Heath, Timothy R., Derek Grossman, and Asha Clark, China’s Quest for Global Primacy: An Analysis of Chinese International and Defense Strategies to Outcompete the United States. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2021.
Trendy strategiczne 2021: STRATEGIC TRENDS 2021. Key Developments in Global Affairs, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich 2021
Badania opinii publicznej na temat podstawowych problemów transatlantyckich: Transatlantic Trends 2021. Transatlantic opinion on global challenges, GMF 2021
Chiny jako wyzwanie dla USA: China: Rise or Demise? By John Mueller, Policy Analysis, Number 917, CATO Institute, May 18, 2021