Jak cyberprzestrzeń zmienia stosunki międzynarodowe: P.J. BLOUNT, Reprogramming the World. Cyberspace and the Geography of Global Order, E-International Relations www.E-IR.info Bristol, England 2019
Wzmocnienie wschodniej flanki NATO: STRENGTHENING NATO’S EASTERN FLANK. A Strategy for Baltic-Black Sea Coherence, LTG (Ret.) Ben Hodges, Janusz Bugajski, Peter B. Doran, CEPA, November 2019
Zapobieganie proliferacji i użyciu broni chemicznej: Rigid Structures, Evolving Threat. Preventing the Proliferation and Use of Chemical Weapons, By Rebecca Hersman & Suzanne Claeys, CSIS, November 2019
Błędne podziały wzajemnych obciążeń w NATO: NATO’s “Brain Death” Burdensharing Blunders: Focusing on the Right Investment, Force Strength, and Readiness Needs, Anthony H. Cordesman, Burke Chair in Strategy With the Assistance of Max Molot, CSIS, November 2019
Kooperacja obronna UE: EU Defense Cooperation: Progress Amid Transatlantic Concerns, Erik Brattberg and Tomáš Valášek, CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE, November 2019
Rosyjskie interwencje w politykę krajów bałtyckich: Cognitive Warfare. The Russian Threat to Election Integrity in the Baltic States, Oliver Backes, Andrew Swab, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, November 2019
Co nowego w obronności UE: Seth A. Johnston, A Europe that Protects? U.S. Opportunities in EU Defense, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, 2019
Europejska autonomia strategiczna: Pauli Järvenpää, Claudia Major, Sven Sakkov, European Strategic Autonomy. Operationalising a Buzzword, International Centre for Defence and Security, October 2019
Obrona krajów bałtyckich: Baltics Left of Bang: The Role of NATO with Partners in Denial-Based Deterrence, By Robert M. Klein, Stefan Lundqvist, Ed Sumangil, and Ulrica Pettersson
Problem wschodni w polityce Zachodu: The Eastern Question. Russia, the West, and Europe’s Grey Zone, Daniel S. Hamilton and Stefan Meister, Washington, DC: Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2016
Rosyjskie think-tanki w obszarze polityki zagranicznej: Thinking Foreign Policy in Russia: Think Tanks and Grand Narratives, Report by Anton Barbashin & Alexander Graef, Atlantic Council, November 12, 2019
O systemie połączonego wywiadu, nadzoru i rozpoznania NATO: Over the Horizon. NATO Joint Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance in the Baltic Sea Region, Atlantic Council, November 2019
Kryzys wojen politycznych: Грег Саймонс, Кризис политических войн XXI века, Валдайские записки, № 105, Август 2019 ru.valdaiclub.com #valdaiclub
Trendy w rosyjskich siłach zbrojnych: Crane, Keith, Olga Oliker, and Brian Nichiporuk, Trends in Russia’s Armed Forces: An Overview of Budgets and Capabilities. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2019.
NATO – wysunięta obecność: Christian Leuprecht, The enhanced Forward Presence: innovating NATO’s deployment model for collective defence, NDC, October 2019
Cyberbezpieczeństwo UE – polityka sankcji za cyberataki: GUARDIAN OF THE GALAXY EU. Cyber sanctions and norms in cyberspace, Edited by Patryk Pawlak and Thomas Biersteker, EUISS, CHAILLOT PAPER/155, October 2019
Alternatywna strategia bezpieczeństwa USA – bezpieczniejsza Ameryka za mniejsze pieniądze: Sustainable Defense: More Security, Less Spending, Final Report of the Sustainable Defense Task Force of The Center for International Policy, June, 2019
Index amerykańskich sił zbrojnych: Dakota L. Wood, 2020 Index of U.S. Military Strength, Heritage Foundation 2019
Przegląd kosztów i celów wojen USA: Anthony H. Cordesman, U.S. Strategy — Strategic Triage and the True Cost of War: Supporting Enduring Commitments versus “Endless Wars”, CSIS, November 1, 2019
Globalne ryzyka 2035: Global Risks 2035 Update: Decline or New Renaissance?, Atlantic Council, October 2019