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O broni hipersonicznej w regionie Indo-Pacyfiku: PRIMER ON Hypersonic Weapons in the Indo-Pacific Region, John T. Watts, Christian Trotti, Mark J. Massa, ATLANTIC COUNCIL, August 2020
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Obrona przeciwrakietowa w relacjach USA-Chiny: Tong ZHAO, NARROWING THE U.S.-CHINA GAP ON MISSILE DEFENSE. HOW TO HELP FORESTALL A NUCLEAR ARMS RACE, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,2020
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Rozwój kadrowy generałów w USA: Jackson, Kimberly, Katherine L. Kidder, Sean Mann, William H. Waggy II, Natasha Lander, and S. Rebecca Zimmerman, Raising the Flag: Implications of U.S. Military Approaches to General and Flag Officer Development. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2020.
Współpraca Rosja-Chiny wyzwaniem dla UE: STAND BY ME! THE SINO-RUSSIAN NORMATIVE PARTNERSHIP IN ACTION, EUISS, 6 August 2020. By Alice Ekman, Sinikukka Saari, Stanislav Secrieru
Scenariusze rozwoju Chin do 2035 roku: Which Way the Dragon? Sharpening Allied Perceptions of China’s Strategic Trajectory, CSBA, August 6, 2020, Ross Babbage, Jack Bianchi, Julian Snelder, Toshi Yoshihara, Aaron Friedberg and Nadège Rolland
Chiny a sztuczna inteligencja: Is China Beating the U.S. to AI Supremacy? Authors: Graham Allison Eric Schmidt, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, August 2020
Czynniki sukcesji po Putinie: Tefft, John, Understanding the Factors That Will Impact the Succession to Vladimir Putin as Russian President. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2020.
Kierowanie i dowodzenie operacyjne w armii chińskiej: Beyond Borders: PLA Command and Control of Overseas Operations, By Phillip C. Saunders, Strategic Forum 306, INSS, July 28,2020